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How to catch bass with spinner baits

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A spinner bait is a great method to catch bass. Its blades vibrate and thump in the water, and the erratic movement is an excellent lure for fishing in cold or extreme weather conditions. Here are some guidelines to help you choose the right spinnerbait. This is a great option for beginners or those who want to learn more about spinning bait fishing.


When determining the weight for a spinner bait, there are many things to take into account. The blades, wire, and head all contribute to the weight. The head is typically made of copper, but other metals can also be used. The lure's ability to catch fish can be affected by its weight. How the lure functions and the type of fish you catch will depend on the size and shape of the wire, the blade shape and the hook.

Blade type

There are many aspects to take into consideration when choosing the blade type of spinnerbait. The speed of retrieval is important. Different blade shapes produce different levels and flashes. The Colorado style, which is longer and more streamlined than the Colorado one, requires a faster retrieve. In-between the two is the Indiana style, which falls between the streamlined and broader blades. Flashes can also be affected by the type of blade, which will have an impact on their effect. Size, texture, and color are all important factors.

Running depth

The same lure can be fished with different colors. These lures work in both clean and dirty water. In dirty water, the lateral line is even more important as bass are likely to ignore lures that are too active. You will also notice the Colorado blade releasing tons of vibration. The bait can then be cast to the weed edges. You can also throw the lure through light cover.

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The pressure waves created by a spinnerbait's blades move water towards the fish that is sitting on it. These waves are distinct from the surrounding water and the fish's lateral system detects them. These waves also alter the frequency at which action potentials are sent to brain. The combination of these factors evokes a fish's natural instincts to strike. Spinning bait's efficacy is often underestimated. Let us now examine the science behind these lures.


There are two main methods of casting for spinner baits in dams: standard and reverse-cast. The standard approach is to cast the bait from the bank about a length and then return it to the bank. This method works when the water level is low but not enough to reach its bottom. You can vary the water depth to achieve different fishing action on shallow lakes or deep reservoirs.

Method for retrieving data

Slow rolling is a common method of retrieving spinner baits. This retrieve involves raising the rod tip and rolling the bait slowly until the blades touch the surface. This allows bait to sink slowly with no cover. Blades are available in many different shapes, colors, sizes. Fish will be attracted to blades that have flash. There are three types of blades: willowleaf (Indian), and tandem.

Blade size

A spinner bait's blade size is crucial for attracting fish attention. The greater the vibration, the bigger the blade. A smaller blade, on the other hand, allows the lure to stay down on a faster retrieve. The size of the blade also needs to be balanced with the head weight and the wire gauge used to suspend it. The lure could fall over if it is not balanced. The Okeechobee Special lure, which featured large blades, was created by Florida anglers. Unfortunately, the lure could not be retrieved if it had the right head size or weight combination.

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How far away should I stand while fishing?

The closer you are to the shore, the greater your chances of catching fish. However, it also increases the chance of getting soaked.

How big should my tackle bag be?

You will need ample storage space for all your fishing gear so a large tacklebox is important. Tackle boxes range in size depending on the number of items stored inside.

How can I bait my hooks

Tie a piece meat on the hook to bait it. You can then tie the meat around one eye of your hook.

How can I get my children to fish?

Absolutely! Fishing is a favorite pastime of children. Fishing is something that most children love to do. You can encourage your child to fish by doing many things. One way to encourage your child to learn how fishing is done is to teach them how you tie knots, how build a pole, and the basics of fishing etiquette. They could be shown pictures of fish and told stories about fishing.

Where can I look for good fishing guides

The services offered by fishing guides are numerous. You can get advice about the best areas to fish in, tips for catching certain types of fish and even how to use various types of equipment.

How much money can I expect to spend on fishing gear?

You don't necessarily have to spend a lot on fishing equipment. There are many options that are affordable. You can buy a cheap line, hook, and reel. You can also invest in quality rods and reel sets.

To fish, do you need a rod?

Yes. A bobber keeps the bait safe from being taken by other fisherman when they are fishing. The bobber consists of two parts: the line and the float. You attach the hook and line to the lure. Once the line is out, let go of it. You should not use a Bobber as the lure can sink into the water and make it more difficult for fish to bite.


  • To substantiate this theory, Knight attempted a systematic inquiry by considering the timing of 200 'record' catches, more than 90 percent were made during a new moon (when no moon is visible). (myfwc.com)
  • Coarse fishing is 100% catch and release these days. (linesonthewater.anglingtrust.net)
  • For most freshwater species you are most likely to target when first starting out, a reel size of 20 to 30 should be more than enough! (strikeandcatch.com)
  • About 40 percent of all fish are freshwater species. (takemefishing.org)

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How To

How to Cast a Fishing Rod Easily

The first thing you must know when casting a fishing rod is to use your wrist to move the rod's handle smoothly towards the water. The rod should be held at a slight angle from the body so that the line is parallel to the ground. When you start moving the rod forward, keep the tip of the rod perpendicular to the surface of the water. If the tip hits the water's surface before the line reaches the bottom, the fish won't bite. This technique can be used to increase distance between the tip and water surface.

If you don't feel comfortable casting a rod yet, here are some tips to make it easier.

Hold the rod as close as you can to your chest. You will be able to easily control the rod’s direction without having your back bent.

A tripod can be placed on the shoreline, or on a rock ledge, to cast a heavy rod. You'll be able rest your rod securely and still have control of the reel.

Third, you might consider buying a smaller reel as an alternative to a larger one. A cheap spinning reel can be used to cast longer distances, and it will also help you with your hand-eye coordination.

A fourth option is to purchase a fishing rod holder. These holders can hold your rod securely while keeping it upright. These holders are easy to store and protect your rod from damage.

Fifth, practice casting until the motion becomes natural. Casting a fishing rod takes practice.

Sixth, remember that the key to successful fishing is patience. Waiting for the right moment to strike is key to successful fishing. Then, work hard to get the fish in.


How to catch bass with spinner baits