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What is the Pronunciation of H?

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How is h pronounced? H is the 8th most common letter in English. It occurs in words at a frequency of 4.2%. It modifies the pronunciations certain consonants and it is considered an allophone (or /s/) in most Spanish-speaking countries. H is also a voiceless variant of the following vowel. This article explains how this sound is pronounced in various languages.

Romance phoneme, /h/

Romance language /h/ was initially pronounced using a silent h sound. Although the phoneme is lost, it was preserved in certain southern languages. Spanish language has the /h/ sound present in words such a huelga (and hache) for example. Some Latin words contain the 'h,' which is silent. This makes it easier for you to write and pronounce silent letters.

Slavic languages have /f/.

The sound /f/ is not native in any Slavic language. Protoslavic saw it used as a variant form of 'chw", the original word. In the 14th or 15th century, words could either be pronounced with an chw' (or an f). The sound '/f/' was preserved in both written form and pronunciation. Today, /f/ is almost exclusively used in foreign languages.

/s/ in Spanish-speaking countries is an allophone of the /x

One of the sounds of Spanish is /s/. The pronunciation of /s/ in Spanish is determined by how it's said. It's pronounced exactly the same way in Spanish-speaking countries as the English word's. The phoneme /s' is pronounced the same way as the English's', but is represented by the letter 'j' instead.

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/h> is a glottal fricative in a voiced setting

A glottal fricative is a consonant with a restricted articulation such as the /h/ consonant. It's an example of a glottal transitional state. This produces turbulence inside the voiced setting. Historical reasons are why the term "glottal fricative" has been retained.

/h> stands for silent letters without pronunciation

A silent letter does not have a pronunciation. However, the sound of an “h” is still audible. The silent letter can be used to indicate length, hiatus or other important information. Silent h is commonly the last letter in a word, such the term "chimp". French has a lot of 'hs'. Whether it's silent or not will depend on your accent. However, in most cases it will be the first letter.

German word /h>

You may have noticed the /h/ sound in German for "cookie". It is a vowel. However it is pronounced differently. It is sometimes pronounced with a silent "dehungsh", which is a common error made by many when learning German. Here are some words that use this pronunciation.

German word for /th>

While the English language still retains its dental fricatives and a few other features, German has lost these. Around the 10thcentury, German consonants switched from /thd/ /td/. This change affected all of the West Germanic languages, except English. Through an analogy to the Greek theta, the German word "th", was chosen as the replacement consonant. The cognate word "think", was created thenken.

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Where can I find great fishing spots?

There are lots of places to fish all over the world. Many people enjoy fishing in public parks, private pools, lakes, rivers and streams as well as other water bodies.

Are special licenses necessary to fish?

No, not unless you plan to take fish out of state or across county lines. Many states allow anglers fish without the need for a license. Find out the requirements by contacting your local Fish & Wildlife authority.

Are there any restrictions on when I can fish?

You can, but it is important to make sure that artificial light is used. Fisherman use artificial lighting to attract them. They are most effective after the sun sets, when fish are more active.


  • Orvis, Simms, and Fishpond have been making some of the best packs and vests for a long time, and it seems like 90% of the anglers around the area use these brands. (troutandsteelhead.net)
  • About 40 percent of all fish are freshwater species. (takemefishing.org)
  • It is estimated there are at least 2 million people who go fishing in California each year. (californiayachtsales.com)
  • You likely have a fish hooked if the bobber moves erratically for over 5 seconds. (tailoredtackle.com)

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How To

How do I clean fishing gear?

There are many cleaning options for fishing equipment. Some of these methods are very basic while others require more advanced techniques. Most people use soap and water. It is important to rinse the item well after washing it. There is a possibility that dirt may remain inside the item, which can lead to bacteria growth. This would lead to a bad smell and even worse infections if left untreated. A good way to prevent this is to dry the items completely before storing them. Avoid touching the item's surface when cleaning. If you touch something dirty, you risk transferring germs onto the object.

You can do many things to improve the fishing gear's quality, other than using soap and water. You may need to use solvents or detergents that are specific to your gear. You should avoid certain substances, however, as they could cause damage to your goods. One of these things is bleach. Bleach has been known to disintegrate plastic and metal so it shouldn't be used to clean fishing gear. Instead, use warm water with a dishwashing solution. Only use dishwashing detergents designed to clean fish. Dishwashing solutions contain enzymes and chemicals that aid in the breakdown of organic materials such blood, slime, and scales. Surfactants help remove dirt and grime from surfaces. But, if staining is a concern, you might consider using a stain eliminator. Oils and fats left on the surface cause most stains. Applying stain-removal products directly to the affected area will help remove the stain and not damage the underlying material.

The local home improvement center will carry many choices for cleaners for your fishing gear. You will find a wide variety of cleaners in your local store, all designed for different purposes. Some are made to remove small amounts of grease; others can handle larger quantities. You can choose the one that fits your needs the best.


What is the Pronunciation of H?